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 Posting Policy

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2 posters

Number of posts : 12
Registration date : 2008-06-14

Posting Policy Empty
PostSubject: Posting Policy   Posting Policy EmptyMon Jun 16, 2008 10:25 am

Fancy Pigeon Chatter is intended to be a fun and friendly forum. The rules listed below are general everyday forum rules. Please enjoy your stay and have fun.

Admin and Moderaters reserve the right to move, merge, or delete any post or thread on the forum eg: off topic, violates rules etc. If a topic or post is deleted, you will be informed of the action via PM. The action of Admin or Moderaters are final.

The following is allowed:

• General and specific topics related to pigeons, and topics not related to pigeons.

• Controversial topics related to pigeons respectfully and tactfully treated.

• Promoting a point of view that is not in violation of the community standards of this board.

• Disagreements where name calling or insults are NOT being used.

The Following Is Not Allowed:

• Posting of names of fanciers not involved in forum discussions unless no longer living or is or has been a public figure by role or position in a local or national club or organization, or considered an expert, or has written an article that has been published, or is well-known in roller pigeon "communities" both online and offline.

Bad language, abusive behaviour to other users, or acting in a manner which prove offensive to other users such as: vulgar, crude, sexist, racist, homophobic, offensive remarks.

• Pornography and pornographic pictures/images/videos or any type of sexually explicit or suggestive comments, remarks, cartoons, jokes or any simliar content.

impersonate any person or entity, or falsely state or otherwise misrepresent yourself, your age or your affiliation with any person or entity;

• Post which insult or make fun of others. Threaten or seem to threaten or imply harm in any way to another individual.

• Defaming or slander against any individual or entity.

• Endless arguing or relentless questioning when question has been adequately addressed in another post. Lack of respect for the forum, its members, its objectives. Senseless rhymes and word play. Posts seeking other forum members to respond to taunts.

Members should not act as "back seat moderators." If members note an issue which contravenes something in this policy document they are welcome to bring it to the attention of a member of forum staff by using the "report to webmaster" function

SHOUT or use excessive punctuation (e.g. ! and ?) in topic titles or posts

• Pictures, plans or descriptions of traps intended to catch protected birds of prey or comments or advice of any methods or tools designed to or intended to harass or discourage a protected bird from its normal habits. General discussion of birds of prey and related topics are allowed...

• Posts that can be construed by Site Owner as overtly or inadvertently advertising and/or promoting another commercial site or mentioning an individual or company known for selling pigeons.

Spam is not permitted under any circumstances.

Members are asked to respect the copyright and bandwidth of other individuals, groups or organisations and should not:

re-print material where it is expressly forbidden

publish plagarised information or pictures in their own name

use inline image tags pointing to data stored on third party systems

This site is not responsible for your posts, so takes no responsibility of the accuracy of posts. You are legally, morally and ethically responsible for your own posts. All information on this site is for informational and entertainment purposes only. You are solely responsible for your actions and pots, therefore, please think about your actions and post carefully

Posts-Pictures: By posting your comments and/or private pictures on the Fancy Pigeon Chatter forum, you are freely giving without any financial compensation, or any other compensation whatsoever, unrevokable publishing rights and ownership as well as your explicit permission Fancy Pigeon Chatter and its representatives to copy, edit, modify for readability and submit them for publication in this site, other pigeon related media, outlets and printed products. If you do not agree with this Posting Policy and as long as you are allowed to post and modify posts, you may edit and change your forum posts

Violation of the rules will result in:

• Certain discussions being taken offline

• Posts being edited and/or removed

• Warning provided online

• Permanent Ban from posting
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keston birds

Number of posts : 2
Age : 59
Registration date : 2010-12-09

Posting Policy Empty
PostSubject: rules   Posting Policy EmptyThu Dec 09, 2010 8:59 pm

i have read the rules and understand them.
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